Yuliya's Blog

Posts about Tech

Happy Routing!

My 10 months journey with Flatiron school is about to end. My final project is using React-Redux Front end. In some components of my project, I was using links with anchor elements, clicking on them caused the whole page to reload, which was sending new GET fetch request to the API each time the link was clicked, which in turn resulted to URL’s showing incorrectly on the browser. I thought sharing this blog about React-Router and Link to concept might be helpfult if you came across similar issue while using links with anchor elemets in your React project.

React / Redux Project

My final project during this course is a React / Redux application with a Rails API backend.

Artwitter JS Project

I wanted to create an app where a user could post art and other users could post comments on the art. I thought it would be nice to have an app where people can meet to discuss about art, especially during the pandemic when a lot of galleries and museums are closed. This app uses a Rails API back-end with PostgreSQL for the database and asynchronous Javascript for the front-end. It is a single-page web app, with all requests to the API being made with asynchronous fetch requests.

Login with Omniauth Google Strategy

One of the project requirements for Rails portfolio project was adding login from other service, such as Facebook, Github, Twitter, Google etc. The regular login to my App is using email address and password. I initially tried to implement authentication with Github, however noticed that the user email comes as nil/undefined. Regardless what I tried the Omniauth Info hash was returning the email address info as nil. At that point I decided to implement authentication with Google, and although the process was straight forward, there wasn’t a clear guide online how to implement it. I hope you find below step-by-step guidance helpful and saves you time:

Sinatra Project Blog

For my Flatiron Sinatra Project I built a real estate app that enables users to view property listing for sale and post their own listing to sell properties. This is a CRUD, MVC Sinatra app.