One of the project requirements for Rails portfolio project was adding login from other service, such as Facebook, Github, Twitter, Google etc. The regular login to my App is using email address and password. I initially tried to implement authentication with Github, however noticed that the user email comes as nil/undefined. Regardless what I tried the Omniauth Info hash was returning the email address info as nil. At that point I decided to implement authentication with Google, and although the process was straight forward, there wasn’t a clear guide online how to implement it. I hope you find below step-by-step guidance helpful and saves you time:
Add to your Gemfile the following gems:
gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
gem 'dotenv-rail
Next run bundle.
In ‘config/initializers’, create a file called ‘omniauth.rb’ and write in the following lines:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :developer unless Rails.env.production?
Under ‘config/routes.rb’ :
get '/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'session#create'
Create a link in your app that will initiate the Google OAuth process. We need to link to ‘auth/google_oauth2’
In my App, the link is located under: view/session/new.html.erb
<%= link_to "Log in with Google", '/auth/google_oauth2' %>
Under root directory of the app, create file called .env and add the ‘Secure keys’
Add .env to your .gitignore file to make sure you don’t commit your secure keys to GitHub and make sure they don’t become public.
How to get your API ‘Secure keys- Client ID and Client Secret’?
Step by Step guidance:
Go to:
• Click “Create” to set up a new Project.
If you have already created other projects, go to the navbar and under the dropdown option where you can select existing project you will be offered option to create another ‘New Project’.
Enter Project name and create/select organization if applicable (for example if you are doing the project for a company).
Under “API & Services”, click “OAuth consent screen” tab
Make selection: How you want to register your app Internal or External
Complete the 4 steps under the Oauth consent screen. Make sure to list the App name, User Support email. Under Application Homepage make sure to enter the url for the port you will be using, for example:
Scroll down, click ‘Save and Continue’
After the 4 steps under the OAuth consent screen are completed, Go to Credentials and from the ‘+CREATE CREDENTIALS’ selects ‘OAuth client ID’
On below screen, Select Application type as “Web Application” and under URI enter: http://localhost:3000/auth/google_oauth2/callback
After clicking on “Create button” you will be presented by a window showing your Client ID and Client Secret:
Now add your Client ID and Client Secret to the .env file.
Hope you find this guide helpful and Good luck!