I wanted to create an app where a user could post art and other users could post comments on the art. I thought it would be nice to have an app where people can meet to discuss about art, especially during the pandemic when a lot of galleries and museums are closed. This app uses a Rails API back-end with PostgreSQL for the database and asynchronous Javascript for the front-end. It is a single-page web app, with all requests to the API being made with asynchronous fetch requests.
The Backend:
For setting up the back-end of the app I used the rails new
command with the –api. I added database=postgresql
and -T
for no testing. I also added the gem rack-cors
for cross-origin resource sharing, under config/initializers/cors.rb
, I set up the middleware to allow all(‘*’) origins.
This was my first project using PostgreSQL, there was an additional step compared to SQLite that I used for my previous projects. I had to run rails db:create
before migrating the database.
I have two models, respectively two tables for my backend.
- Art model- has a title, artist_name, and image_url. Art has_many :comments
- Comment model- has content, name, art_id. Comment belongs_to :art
For my API, I am getting the ‘arts’ data for my front-end from ArtsController index action. I also have create action in order to create art using fetch POST. I am getting the comments data from CommentsController index action, also added create action in order to create comments using fetch POST.
The Frontend:
I first created index.html page, index.js page, and a styles folder with a CSS file. I also set up src directory with two separate js files corresponding to my rails models: art.js and comment.js, that represent my JS classes. Although I have created separate art and comment classes, most of the functionality of the app lays in index.js.
• Art class - This class gets instantiated from the index.js file and creates a new instance of the Art class. Has renderArt() method, which function is to render arts from the API data and use that data to create HTML art cards to render.
• Comment class - The main function of this class is to create comment objects from the API data, and use that data to create HTML to render as unordered list items.
• Index.js - most of the functionality of the app lays in index.js, such as fetch requests, rendering form/rendering html, getting information from the form, event listeners. makes get and post fetch requests to the API and parses it to JSON for the other classes to use.
• The first challenge was due to me using scaffolding when created the resources. I later realized that scaffolding didn’t set my routes correctly. The scaffolding set the routes for each resource independently, only when I start working on the front end, I realized had to correct the route declaration to make :arts parent of :comments (nested resources). For future projects I am planning to avoid using scaffolding and use generate resource
• The most challenging part was to organize my Javascript code. The more I progressed with coding the project, the more difficult it become to figure what functionality belongs to the classes and what functionality shall remain under the index.js. For future JS projects I will try to plan the structure more thoroughly.
Conclusion: This was a challenging project that helped me to connect my rails knowledge (backend) with Javascript, HTML, CSS (frontend).